Cha Ching!
Greetings From The Trenches:
I've finally hit the jackpot! I've discovered where the real wealth in this world lies and it's not where you think. Forget about banks, the stock market and mining for gold. When I talk about wealth I'm not only talking about the obvious forms of wealth like money and physical possessions. I'm talking about also the less obvious forms of wealth like skills, talents, abilities and ideas. Most of us spend a big portion of our life trying to accumulate wealth. We work jobs that are unfulfilling, we buy possessions that lose their luster shortly after we purchase them. We accumulate things but at the end of our life those things never seem to add up to much. There’s another place where I think true abundance in wealth exist, a place that we all have in common as part of our journey, a place we might overlook. This place contains more wealth than the richest gold mine in the world. This place contains more ideas, skills, talents, and abilities then all of the brightest minds from the brightest universities of the world. The place that I speak of is the graveyard.
Don't go here with your music still in you.
Think about it, how many people go through life and because of setbacks, failures, and disappointments just give up. How many people take their talents, abilities, and skills with them to the grave? Why does this occur? I think the answer lies in our beliefs and our viewpoints. If we're willing to change the way we look at things, things we look at will change. Here's a few examples. The way that we view setbacks. Old view: a setback is something we have to get around or over. We look at it as a block in our journey. New view: A setback isn't a setback, it's really a setup for a comeback. Another one. I’m sure you’ve heard people say I’m "going through" this or that, which is an old view. The new view is, instead of "going through” things, try “growing through” experiences. What I’m trying to do is not just a play on words, it's a shift in mindset. One of the great thinkers of our time Thomas Edison is credited for harnessing electricity for the electric light bulb, which took him 10,000 attempts. He looked at those 10,000 attempts not as failures but as 10,000 discoveries of ways it wouldn't work. What setups have you been dealt? What experiences are you "growing through"? What discoveries have you made lately? Do yourself and the world a huge favor by tapping in to your true wealth while you’re here. Use up your abilities, skills and talents.
You are a miracle
f you're reading this, just know that you are a miracle. The odds of you being born were 1 out of 400 trillion sperm. See you’ve hit the real jackpot! You owe it to yourself and the world to go out, to LIVE full, and DIE empty!
Now let's get back to building our empires! Talk to you soon!
Sonny D