Rollin' With The D EP02 - So You Think You're An Entrepreneur / by Sonny D

In this episode I go through the 7 Risk Of Entrepreneurship and define what an entrepreneur is. There are several risk that you have to be willing to take if you'r gonna be an entrepreneur. It's not for everyone. 

Make sure you subscribe and share each episode with your friends. I will be creating show notes with resources and other tips and business strategies after each show. Rollin' with the D is where I'll literally be "hacking" the beauty business one show at a time! I am excited to go on this journey and hope you'll tune in to the "live" show which will air on and also be distributed out through our other channels. Stay tuned!

Hack def.- to cut through the outer layers, destruct in order to reconstruct, gain better understanding and create breakthroughs.